Monday, January 28, 2008

Christmas Carol's


Check this link to see our Chris and Co in action!

Chris, hope to meet your friend who takes these great pictures in March



Crize2foi said...

Hi Dave,

Where are the pics ? It could be that you need to use the little "image" icon in the "post message" section to include the pics ... (In the html code of your message it's trying to load in the pitctures from the hard drive of your computer, i think.)

Have a great day :-)

dalekdave said...

Chris just click on the underline words and it should take you to your friend's blog - I've just download them so will add now. Hope you Friend is ok with that, if not remove them and we can just use the hotlink

Make sure you save us some tickets for the folk concert for us, is it in the same building/hall as the carol concert?
