Sunday, September 16, 2007

sunday evening

Lovely to read some of your postings this evening, food for the soul.

Getting back into some sort of routine with kids activities started up and all the accompanying taxiing! Even my wee one has started football!

We are looking forward to welcoming a christian assistante in a fortnight. It seems that most years someone comes along. Zoe has already been in touch and we are really encouraged by that. We are praying for more young people to encourage those in the youth group.

Love to hear how you are getting on. HOw is the Scottish contingent? and the music?

Keep us informed. Prize for those who recognise where my three boys are!!

Love Alison


Sam said...

Is it Paris??

mullettjf (iain) said...

no its edinburgh!!!!!!! sunny scotland!:):):)

mullettjf (iain) said...

princes street to be exact:P just outside waverly station! lolol